The Patriarchal Legacy
Patriarchy is clearly an outdated culture for our modern way of life. But today a growing number of women use the concept of patriarchy as an excuse to vent their own anger towards man and, in so doing, unknowingly cut off from the true power of the female principle. The power of the female is her passivity, which is the stillness of love as the original state of being. What woman rarely perceives in these times is that any movement to challenge or change man through any overt action or intent unknowingly perpetuates the patriarchal legacy.
The patriarchal legacy parallels the evolutionary ascent of the species whereby only the fittest or strongest survived. In man the impulse was driven by the need to control and manipulate woman, mostly for sexual gratification and procreation to ensure the legacy of his bloodline. Over the millennia this engendered within the female psyche a deep loathing and mistrust of man for his betrayal of her in love. This demonic intensity periodically rises to the surface awareness to assail man for his transgressions. Thus the task for woman is to desist from making him her adversary in the world as this will feed the emotional negativity of self she’s absorbed from man’s dishonesty to love.
Man as he is has mostly abdicated his power to love through his failure to reach woman at her deepest centre. Woman for her part has contributed to the appalling condition of the world and must be responsible for her role in the degradation of life on earth. But she really had no choice but to follow the example of man’s exploitative and underhand dealings which inevitably caused misery and disenchantment throughout the ages. This she did primarily through a sexual trade-off with him in exchange for material security and the protection of her children. However, this engendered in her a self-doubt that so often clouds her joy and spontaneity. Until a woman has faced this in herself and transformed this emotional negativity back to love she will always fear man’s sexual force, despite her outer confidence to function in his world.
The world will never fundamentally change in this epoch of human evolution. Whatever happens in the time that’s left will be superficial and another step away from love. The world is not the earth but a sub-creation built on the sexual force of greed and self-interest superimposed upon the simplicity of nature in all its beauty. The core of the world cannot be changed, only modified here and there by changing trends and attitudes. Man will never relinquish his hold on his most precious creation. This is his self as an edifice of pride and arrogance, now fully externalised through his skyscrapers, spaceships and achievements in science, industry and commerce. The insanity of the world is a mirror of man’s psychic condition and the tragedy is that woman has been duped into joining him, not as an equal partner in love and truth, but in a supporting role that occasionally sees her in the spotlight. But what’s overlooked is the grotesque laughing entity of man’s sexual self sniggering in the dark at woman’s desperate efforts to establish herself as his equal in the world.
The patriarchal legacy of the world has to be transformed through love. As a man perseveres in purifying his sexual self, the divine nature of his pure authority is restored. When a woman recognises this quality in a man she willingly surrenders any conflicting position of negative emotionality that would challenge the male dominance in the world. The most significant way that man can demonstrate his nobility of purpose is in physical lovemaking. When he can contain the instinctual procreative urge for orgasm as sexual gratification, he creates a bridge for the union of the male and female principles to merge in a unity of divine being. The man in that moment holds the forces of existence at bay and enables the power of love to be realised in the flesh. This is the divine, genderless state within each body where patriarch, matriarch and all other human concepts are transcended.
So well written, however, it’s like reaching for the moon….
In general, men and women are challenging each other and sadly, neither wins and loses the
experience of what love can be.
Thank you for showing this.
I have dipped my toe into these realms you often write about. I find that taking care of my elderly parents has helped me align with this growing love and yet find my reactive response to patriarch leads me to fall prey. What a beautiful world you describe.
We live in socially fabricated illusions about who and how we are supposed to be. These myths began with the development of our brains and our languages and the domestication of nature and with it the many methods of control that were instituted to form a social bond in the tribes. Men were physically stronger so rose in power and dominating women and children and passing along the patterns i.e. “sins of the fathers” misunderstanding that became part of the social inheritance. We are the result of these misunderstandings and indoctrinations. Men were hunters because of their physical abilities and women were gatherers because the could do this while tending the children, a devision of labor that came naturally from the biological differences. Domination came with tribal leaders wanting to maintain control and with it came the ownership and dominance of women. Some cultures worked this out by honoring both and others dominated in order to maintain control.
Both men and women have distorted the roles by imposing limitations and roles on both, causing a degradation of our society. Honoring one another is the way to real balance..
“The world will never fundamentally change in this epoch of human evolution. Whatever happens in the time that’s left will be superficial and another step away from love. ” Much as your writings resonate like no others in their proximity to what I would describe as “pure truth”, I must challenge this statement, Lance. We are living in a time of exponentially accelerating connectedness and polarisation of duality vs non-duality / enlightened existence. The children in the world (I have three of them) are appalled at the world unfolding before them and yet their spiritual capacity is expanding at a rate never before seen in mankind’s Earthly existence. We have all the tools that we need within us! It is not so much about the physical struggle you describe between men and women, rather the imbalance of divine masculine and feminine energy within each and every one of us. And this too, can be rectified, brought into alignment (yes, tantra and similar principals return us to the true Source), and catapult us towards what will be, in my opinion, a shift into divine collective consciousness to occur within our lifetime. This is likely to coincide with the technological singularity, I believe. In fact they are one and the same.
We may indeed be living in a time where the possibility of accelerated spiritual development is possible for certain individuals. But in terms of a mass solution for the plight of humanity in this phase of earth culture, it’s a drop in the ocean. Since human beings have been in revolt to the one good or divine harmony for thousands of years, the imbalance between the negativity of hatred cruelty and greed and the more altruistic endeavours of humanity has passed the point of no return. What’s been put into the psyche must return to the world, only supported by the waves of all that’s been experienced as life on earth.
For the new generation with the expectations and energy of youth, the effects of the degeneration of the virtue of life around them must seem appalling. Although there’s nothing that can be done to stop what’s coming for life on earth, for the individual inspired to find the truth, there is always a way out. I can’t really say any more on this matter for now, other than what I’ve already imparted in my other posts, articles and books. However as I continue writing and teaching, I shall be going more deeply into the reality of these times.
Thank you, Dougal for your interest in my work.
Hi Lance,
I agree with you say here Lance but I think there’s an additional element to this; the fear many men have of being dominated by women (probably going back, as it did in my case, to bad experiences with women such as female teachers in childhood) and which, in conjunction with the sexual greed you mention, impels them to want to control women and “keep them down” in the hope that women don’t get the upper hand over them.
I am aware of this impulse in myself which is why I mention it. I’ve sought to “let go” and be more accepting of women’s power and competence, with some but not complete success.