
A selection of videos: Subscribe to the YouTube channel to be informed of new releases. 


The Question of Mental Health

Mental health issues of one kind or another now affect the majority of people on earth. But what is the cause behind the effects of mental illness? And is it possible for an individual to safeguard themselves against this worldwide wave of discursive mental energy. This video shows how it’s possible to undermine the negative energies and to live as a balanced human being in the world. 




Self-judgement is the most insidious emotion of all and permeates the deepest recesses of the subconscious mind. It’s the conflict of comparing the life with that of another that sets in motion the self-judgement mechanism. In this video we hear how self-judgement is transcended and how to live free of this aberration of mind.



The Inner State

The inner state is our immediate field of reality. When someone becomes accustomed to the inner state by entering the body with their conscious focus of attention, the reality behind the form is recognised through the direct experience of life.



The Quest for Meaning

Who at some point has not paused to enquire into the meaning of life and why it all happens the way it does? In this video we hear how the quest for meaning is made real through the living process.


Living Without Problems

Difficulties are unavoidable in existence but they need not become problems. In this video we hear how to live without problems by being conscious of the workings behind the visible world and responding to the challenges of life from this place of inner wisdom.



Living with Uncertainty

Uncertainty is a powerful truth of this existence. It’s impossible to be certain of anything except that everyone suffers as a consequence of being born. In this video we hear how it’s possible to live without fear or disturbance in a world of uncertainty.



Moving on from Family and Friends

There comes a time in the spiritual process when it’s not possible to stay in the family orbit or in the company of friends as before. In this video we hear why this happens and how the truth of life works to serve the good of the whole



What is Time?

In this video we look into the nature of time and hear how ‘real time’ can be invoked to bring the individual to a greater state of consciousness.



Entering the Body

Turning the focus of attention within the body towards the source of life is a major turning point in becoming a more conscious man or woman. In this video we are taken into the stillness of the psyche with fundamental guidelines to merge with the invisible realm.



The Still Mind 

In this video we examine how to invoke the power of the still mind to take us deeper into the profundity of the being.