
March 2, 2025 0 By Lance Kelly

We human beings are extremely vulnerable to addiction. The robotic nature of our self-conscious existence lends itself to the repetition of experience as a need to substantiate the feeling of being alive. The basis of all addiction is the search for love. But due to the frustration engendered through being born in a divisive world, the purity of love is degraded for many into anything that alleviates the pain and trauma. Addiction in all its myriad forms is now becoming more widespread as a global symptom of the universal unhappiness of life on earth.

When a pattern of behaviour becomes excessive beyond the normal bodily requirements, there’s the possibility of addiction. The trigger for addiction is manifold and often occurs when a person becomes vulnerable to the forces of the unconscious. Psychic entities of unresolved human experience are primed to enter existence through any emotional aberrations such as the extremes of excitement or depression. And there are those whose lives appear to be loaded with such obstacles and disadvantages that addiction to drugs or alcohol seem the only solution to coping with life.

Habit precedes the full-blown addictive symptoms. Habitual patterns form shallow grooves within the subconscious realm and lack the intensity of addiction. Addiction is of both mind and body. For example, anyone who’s smoked cigarettes knows how unsatisfying it is to begin with. It takes a while to get habitually comfortable with inhaling the smoke. The addiction kicks in when someone becomes dependent on the regular fix, which alters the psychic frequency of the body. When deprived of the nicotine, the cells vibrate at an intensified rate which can only be quelled by the ingestion of more tobacco. And it’s a similar process for all types of addiction, the only difference being the psychic intensity of the addictive pay-off.

To break an addiction is harder for some than for others. While an addiction is rife, the best that can usually be done is to manage the condition without trying to stop it completely. Ultimately, the addiction has to be willingly surrendered by the person in the same way as it entered the body consciousness. This entails passing back through the energetic mass of the emotional body representing that addictive level of self. The person must be willing to starve the psychic entity its feed of vital energy which has been depleting the virtue of the body. The inner purification often externalises at the physical level most noticeably in the withdrawal from hard drugs, commonly referred to as ‘cold turkey’ (due to the skin formulations that appear during the detoxification of the impurities from the body).

Although less common, at a point of utter despair an addict such as the alcoholic suddenly stops drinking or the drug user flushes his stash down the drain. The overwhelming impulse (due to the focus of intelligence turning inwards) is to enter the reality of the body at the conscious level of mind. The experience of being present in the senses often instigates a radical change in consciousness and heralds a new way of life. Typically, such individuals go on to help and inspire others through the virtue of having passed through the negative symptoms in their own experience – the most authentic source of truth in existence.

Everybody alive (until transformed by love) is addicted to the primary source of pain and misery on earth – sex. It’s possible to be addicted to sex but not to love. Sex in isolation of the state of love is the basis of all addictions, regardless of the way it manifests in the body. Disguised by the unconscious force of sexual enticement, global addiction for experience carries on, regardless of the price in human suffering. There is no allowance for addiction in the natural world. The animals in their instinctive innocence experience life in all its rich diversity but are not attached to the outcome beyond their natural needs. The human animal, however, holds onto their experience and keeps its alive by thinking and remembering past events, which keeps the mind and emotions active in a continual dialogue of meaningless chatter and ignorance.

We are all primed for addiction in one form or another. Addicted to the feeling world of fluctuating highs and lows, human beings are manipulated like puppets on strings by the suggestion of anything that will provide some semblance of love or permanence in the world. The addiction to anything however trivial takes something out of context of the whole and upsets the balance of life on earth. Each day, the earth is divested of more of its natural resources and the quality of life is less tangible than before. Addiction and mental disorders are multiplying so fast that therapists and doctors are struggling to give emerging symptoms a new name as a means to consolidate the formation of energetic disharmony within the world psyche.

Although there’s no way out for the masses (since humanity evidently wants it that way), it is possible for the individual to be extricated from the addictive symptoms of the human condition. But the proviso is that they must be willing to undergo the ‘cold turkey’ process for as long as is necessary. Everyone must accept the purification of their former addictive drives and attachments before going on into a meaningful new phase of the life. The built-in solution, through grace, is realised through the experience of undergoing the often harsh and demanding trials of life. The sole virtue of suffering at the emotional and psychological level of mind is that when someone has endured enough pain in their external efforts to find fulfilment, they will be compelled to turn inwards back to the source of original love. When made conscious, love as the divine aspect of being negates the addictive impulse to find solace in anything external.