Freedom of Speech

August 17, 2024 1 By Lance Kelly

Freedom of speech is upheld as a bastion of the times. People have given their lives to uphold this universal expression of human rights. But there’s an unwritten clause that ensures that, despite freedom of speech, the truth of existence can never be declared and broadcast in a way that would reach the majority of the world’s population. The edict states that on no account can the ‘I’, which is the point of intelligence in which the world and its significance is perceived, can be turned inwards towards the source of the inner reality. Such an individual will quickly be silenced should their knowledge of existence become widespread and make inroads into the world psyche.

Freedom of speech, as it is practised in the world, is the freedom to say anything but the truth. Everything presented on TV is scripted except in those rare moments when the broadcaster goes off script – and for a few moments the viewers glimpse something approximating the genuine face behind the mask. The awful truth, that I in each body am responsible for life on earth, will not be tolerated by the ruling authorities and those who control the global media networks. The democratic values espoused by the elected political chiefs convince only those with something to defend as their privileged way of life. For the poverty liners, radical extremists and those who have nothing to lose, the last resort to exercise their freedom of speech is to take to the streets and become a collective force of opposition to the established rule of whoever is in charge at the time.

True freedom is realised through daring to stand alone, not in isolation from one’s fellow man and woman but in the discovery that as I am within, so my world appears outside of me. Until I make the divine connection and have been purified of the reactionary forces of self, whatever I communicate will lack the power to make any effective change for good. The waves of discontent from the masses will quickly overwhelm whatever was seen as having served others, and the voices of the people will scream and holler once more for change and revolution. Nonetheless, should someone be moved to speak to their neighbours, community or the world at large, it’s to do so without holding back. Someone is only as real as what they live and have discovered to be the truth in their own experience. Sticking to these principles will get the point across, regardless of the size of the audience or whoever is in attendance.

True freedom of speech is to be fearless should the opportunity to impart the truth arise. What is discovered is that the public have no appetite for the truth but the people who are disguised amongst the masses do. They will hear, although it may seem that for a long time nobody does. But like the seed, something will stir when supported by the richness of the soil and, in time, will take root as the foundation of a mighty source of unlimited knowledge and passion. This is the idea behind the freedom of speech which comes to fruition in the individual who loves life made simple in the flesh.