Pornography: The Degradation of Love
In recent years pornography has emerged from the shadows of its seedy past to be a mainstream industry, now freely available to anyone with a mobile phone or computer. The human race has become hooked on porn with virtually no knowledge of its subconscious effects and the terrible price it exerts on an unsuspecting world. What is perhaps most alarming in the modern era is the widespread exposure of pornography to young children and teenagers. A recent survey in the UK disclosed severe behavioural problems associated with porn, and the escalation of sexual assault and rape at schools. ‘Sexting’, a modern phenomenon that involves sending explicit sexual content through social media, is now a common practice with children as well as adults.
Pornography externalised as a psychic aberration with the development of the human mind. Since then it has been a background companion of the human race as the voyeuristic aspect of the self. There’s a powerful psychological impulse in human beings to look at other people unobserved. We enjoy being there as a presence but not necessarily physically embodied. The impulse to merge with another in complete anonymity arises from an aspect of reality, similar to the dream state when we have far less restrictions than in the material world. It’s the desire for the original union in love that torments and crucifies an individual in their lust for the seemingly unattainable beauty of the beloved. The passion is unquestionable, but when projected onto an imaginary vision it’s an ignoble act that takes only for its selfish pleasure without giving in return.
It’s important to know that sex is actually a psychic entity, imbued with intelligence gathered from the past living experience of countless human lives. Pornography is a means which this devilish force uses to suck the virtue of man and woman through the intensity of heightened arousal in willing donor bodies. Virtue is the finest energy within the human body and the purity in which sex looks to subvert to compound its own sense of power. Sex conceals itself in matter through the repetition of excessive emotional experience. Everyone is vulnerable to the magnetic pull of pornography, even though they may not be consciously aware of its subtle influence due its stealth and speed of possession. I examine this in greater depth in my article ‘Sex: the Global Possession’ on the website.
People who are regularly exposed to porn are almost certainly sexually possessed. Common behavioural patterns include: alienation from others, spending time alone to watch pornographic movies or other erotic material, and an inability to make physical love (unless the partner replicates the intensity of the pornographic images inside the head). Drugs and alcohol are often used to heighten the experience. Other negative traits include severe mood swings and eruptions of anger which, in the extreme, can lead to violence and sexual assault.
It‘s mostly men who become attached to pornography due to their innate sexual aggression, which keeps them in a condition of heightened arousal ready to ejaculate at a moment’s notice. Many men want nothing more than immediate gratification without the unnecessary hassle of women’s emotionality or having to face any personal hang-ups. However, many women today are also becoming dependent on pornography due to man’s failure to reach her physically in love. It’s the impulse to merge with the beautiful female form that drives man to look at erotic pictures or watch porn. The man, however, is being short-changed and deep down he knows it. The dreadful shame that often arises (which can usually be shrugged off when the sexual feeling returns) gradually diminishes his self-worth and integrity.
To break the hold of pornography a man has to see that it serves no purpose except to perpetuate misery and suffering. He really wants the living embodiment of his love, but is not prepared to be responsible for truly loving a real woman in the flesh. It’s just too inconvenient. Man must be prepared to be transformed by a higher love through facing his sexual self and the vehemence of its hold on him. Most importantly, he must be prepared to suffer rightly by refusing to repeat the sexual promiscuity of the past. Suffering in this way is the unsuspected salvation that can release an energy that takes someone to the core of their being – and a terrifying confrontation with their self.
Of course it all happens through grace, and the willingness of the individual to face himself when the time is right. The man, or maybe a woman, perceives their self as they are and the immediate reaction is to weep. But this is unlike any other weeping in the living life. This is the release or cleansing of the accumulated sex on the surface level of the psyche. The tears wash away the smear of the past that in man was the shame of the dishonesty to love and his betrayal of woman. The penetration of the unconscious light of pure love purifies that particular level of ignorance in the individual and heralds the beginning of a new phase of life.