Logos: The Power of the Word
Logos is the divine principle of gnosis that empowers right words so as to convey the truth of our origins. In truth, the logos is an impersonal power, an abstract energy imbued with varying degrees of reality. We all have the opportunity to be the logos in the moment when being true to life as a spontaneous response to the needs of a situation. And who hasn’t been amazed sometimes at the clarity and simplicity of their words when communicating the truth to another? When truth is spoken, a state of stillness is invoked in both the speaker and the listener. This is the unifying power of logos.
The logos is like a river that has no discernible beginning or end. The power of the word is determined by two factors: the first is its timeless quality in terms of communicating some aspect of the original state of being; the second is the degree that the word has been realised in the living circumstances of the life. The original energy behind the word ‘love’, for example, can only be discovered by someone through the practice of love and realising the living truth of the state. Such an individual would then have the support of the radiant idea itself, and their words would have far greater meaning beyond the normal range of communication.
In normal everyday affairs, the living truth of the word has been degraded to such an extent that the words we use today have little value beyond social mundanity and the considerations of the marketplace. Before the manufactured world had become imposed upon the earth, words were sparse and used only to communicate aspects of life that had not yet manifested in the outer world. Words such as ‘tree’ or ‘mountain’ would have been unnecessary since the object was already there for all to see. Original words, which included ‘love’, ‘truth’ and ‘God’, still retain their original power. But today, with the accrual of thousands of years of emotional negativity within the human psyche, words have mostly lost their power to instantly communicate their reality and impart the truth of life.
We exist to communicate the purpose of life, which is to be joyous in the matter of the body. Or, at least, we used to before the proliferation of words and dictionaries expanded in proportion to the distance we’ve travelled from our timeless origins. As a consequence, the value of life has diminished to a shade of its creative potential. The power of the word today has been virtually profaned by the jargon of the world, where the rationality of the mind is dominant and spews forth an endless tirade of information. This creates an ever-increasing momentum and the need for more machines to keep pace with the data being processed globally. The overall effect is a clogging up of the world psyche, with the residue of past overflowing as the pollution of the natural earth.
Unless a person discovers something greater to serve than their self, their communication will lack the full potency of their light of self-knowledge. In the spiritual life, it’s rare for someone to actually live what they declare as their truth. This is why there are so many teachings, and appear to be so many paths to God. There is only one truth and that is preserved in the word; these are not the many words but the word which is God. This is the logos at the very core of our being.
Understood! When communicating via the spoken word I “do as Rome does” – (via the left side of the brain) but when writing I seem to feel more connected with mySelf. Having said that I did get involved in a deep conversation the other day and on a couple of occasions I said something that seemed to stop the person I was talking to in their tracks while it registered, just as much as it surprised me! That moment when there seems to be a 3rd party in the room and what comes out of your mouth is as much “news” to you as it is to the person you are talking to. Deep down we do all know so it is not a case of telling someone something they don’t already know, but to be reminded, while being reminded yourself, is another thing. The experience is not unlike the children’s card game when you say ‘snap’ in unison! It doesn’t happen a great deal of the time because talking about “philosophy,” for want of a word, is something I steer clear of, but when it does happen I now have a name for it. It is the Logos!