Robot Love

August 24, 2024 1 By Lance Kelly

Scientists worldwide have already been given the go-ahead to genetically modify human embryos. The difficulty so far has been in replicating the creative function of the brain that will enable the robot to respond with the precision of human intelligence. However, a scientific breakthrough is pending in which a remarkable biologically engineered gene will replicate the self-reflective intelligence of human beings. These human robots will be artificially self-conscious, animated through biological implants which seamlessly replicate, in appearance and action, the functions of man and woman. As amazing as they appear, the human robots will have a major flaw: they will be devoid of love and unable to realise the source of their intelligence.

Artificial intelligence and the exploration of genetics will eventually merge as a unified branch of eugenic science. This will pave the way for new technology which will revolutionise the world in ways beyond our comprehension. The subconscious impulse that motivates the scientific mind to produce such technological marvels has its roots in the primal mind-stuff of the immemorial past. Slavery, although no longer politically correct, is deeply embedded in the human psyche as a complex of intense desire patterns for control and power over others. The emotional craving to enslave has never gone away, but is an unconscious force that drives the progressive movement towards creating human robots to fill the niche. The primary role of these robots will be to function as sexual slaves for the gratification of man to do anything he wants without needing to be responsible for his actions.

Love between the genders will all but disappear in the light of the new technology. For what could compete with the absence of any sexual restraint that inhibits the unbridled lust which seeks to dominate another? The delirium engendered through the sexual interaction with A.I. robots will introduce into the world psyche a disturbing new energy which will have far-reaching consequences for future generations. From the evolutionary perspective, this is a necessary stage to initiate the exploration of new frontiers in space which will see the human race eventually vacate the ravished and profaned planet earth. The future space travellers will be a hybrid life form, still fundamentally robotic but engendered with the humanising element of self-consciousness.

Woman will have no choice but to follow the example of man. The pain of childbirth, which woman willingly and valiantly undertakes on behalf of life on earth, will no longer be necessary; but she will inwardly despise his betrayal of her through his adherence to virtual sex without love. The transference of the conception of life from earth womb to the sterility of the laboratory symbolises the distance travelled in time from our original nature of love. The greatest pleasure is love made in the flesh between the genders. This was, and is, the natural state of being that was divinely ordained so that human beings could enjoy paradise on earth. How could a substitute sexual experience with a human robot created in a laboratory ever compete with the real thing? And the answer is: only in the worship of the rational mind and belief in the scientific fraternity to provide an antidote for the human condition of unhappiness.

No lasting good will come from the replica human robots as they represent a further descent into human ignorance. They are merely part of an evolutionary phase of human culture that is consonant with the exploration of the objective universe. Fortunately, the reality behind the appearance in form remains untarnished and beyond the degradation of whatever happens on the surface of the world. Love is forever because it has purpose. Purpose has no beginning and therefore no end, and just unfolds from one phase of life to the next. For anyone who begins to connect with this universal stream, the events of the external world will become increasingly irrelevant to the bigger picture. In the future, love will indeed struggle to enter existence against the distractions of the times; but love never wavers in its task to unite man and woman with the mystery of life.

Extract from e-book: Making Love Real: