The Secret of the Pyramids
The fascination with the ancient Egyptian civilisation is a global phenomenon. Thousands of visitors continually travel from around the world to explore the wonders of the ancient monuments and the richness of the Egyptian culture. The engineering genius behind the pyramids and the skill of the builders was extraordinary; but that alone doesn’t account for the magnetic pull these iconic structures have continued to exert on people throughout the ages. The truth is that the pyramids have a secret that has never been fully revealed.
In the era of the ancient Egyptians, around 4000 BC, the experience of life was radically different from ours today. To the people of this ancient civilisation, the world was not a fixed structure as it appears to us in the modern age. Both inner and outer realms of existence functioned as a cohesive whole which gave sensory shapes and objects a shimmering ethereal quality. Today, with over six thousand years of intellectual reasoning, our perception as a race has hardened, as have our bodies and sensitivity to life. At the beginning of the ancient Egyptian era certain individuals still retained the divine consciousness of the original state of being. The most revered of all was the ruler or pharaoh, who personified the living God and was utterly responsible for the welfare and spiritual wellbeing of his people.
At the time of the first recorded pyramids, around 2750 BC, the power of the pharaohs as divine beings was receding. The accrual of time and past was making it impossible for successive pharaohs of the ‘royal line’ to be imbued with the divine presence as an uninterrupted state in existence. Their diminishing power and authority was reflected throughout the kingdom with wars, famine, droughts, and civil unrest amongst the people. As a consequence, action was needed to preserve the welfare and spiritual integrity of the people. It was proposed to build a construction of such momentous proportions that would convey to whoever looked upon it that this was the creation of a divine being or god. The edifice would provide the people with a visible presence of their pharaoh’s power, and provide the foundation for peace and prosperity for future generations. Thus was born the idea of the pyramids.
The origin of the now familiar pyramid shape has often been debated. From an engineering perspective it’s been proved that no other geometric design could work on such a scale with the building materials available at the time. But there was a more profound idea behind the physical appearance. It has long been speculated as to the influence of cosmic intelligence on the formation of the pyramids. It was the release of cosmic ideas into the human psyche that provided the inspiration at this point in evolutionary time for humanity to begin to define their world with a deepening knowledge of nature and the sciences. The idea of the pyramids was sown to provide a bridge between the empirical and spiritual realities of existence. The shape of the pyramid and the inner chambers and tunnels were designed to provide a replica of the after death process and the paradigm of the universe.
The correlation between the stars and position of the pyramids is of great importance. For many thousands of years the pharaohs and their astrologers were attuned to the stars and constellations in a way that would be unbelievable to us. At certain times of the year it was possible to perceive the full diamond like splendour of the pyramids as a multi-dimensional vision of reality. At death, the pharaoh’s mummified body would be placed with great precision in alignment with a prescribed area of the cosmos to enable his immortal being to literally travel to the stars.
From a worldly perspective, the construction of the pyramids was a PR job on a massive scale to protect the royal lineage in times of great change. And it did for thousands of years. However as the cosmic connection withdrew even more over the centuries, elaborate rituals and ceremonies initiated by high priests became the accepted way of worship. It was the gradual usurpation of the power of the pharaohs by priestly rule that led to the downfall of the Egyptian civilisation. Somewhere in the annals of time it was written that as long as the pyramids remained intact, Egypt would flourish as a nation. In recent times the erosion of these magnificent monuments has been causing much concern, with some pyramids at the point of collapse. Perhaps the 2011 revolution, when the country came perilously close to total anarchy and ruin, was a warning from the past. The Egyptian civilisation and culture has endured primarily because it has never been surpassed in terms of grandeur and scale of human achievements. But for how much longer remains to be seen.