The Truth of Existence
The truth of existence is accessible to anyone. However, until the perception is refined and distilled, the mind will dismiss the formless inner space as an indication that there’s nothing beyond its own understanding. This apparent void is a necessary precaution to shield the perception until it’s able to hold the spiritual idea of existence, which is retained within the being as the point of enlightenment; this I have realised as a conscious and unwavering state, and is the source of what I present as a comprehensive teaching for these times.
No matter what I communicate, from the purpose of making love to the reality of a star, it has the same timeless energy that originates from this enlightenment point – and this is the same for anyone else who has realised a comparable degree of truth. The truth never changes, but reality is structured in such a way that it’s possible to realise aspects of this universal truth at specific levels of the psyche, comparable to an individual’s self-knowledge. However, until enlightened through transcendental knowledge, the mind will protest that there’s more than one truth to protect the survival of its own position.
Through the spiritual process of self-sacrifice and the practice of stillness in withstanding the isolation and absence of experience, the inner space is purified to gradually reveal the enlightenment point as the pure essence of life before it takes form. This is the portal to life everlasting, an uninterrupted and unchangeable state of being. Preserved within this domain is the depository of all self-knowledge or spiritual ideas that have been realised by humankind since the dawning of time.
Eventually, through grace and in the surrender to God or the divine source within, it’s possible to realise the truth behind existence in the all-pervading nothing which obliterates any residue of self. This is the moment of self-realisation in which I unite with God as knowledge of all truth that can ever be. This truth never changes, and is the same for anyone who can perceive it. But since no mind can hold such potency of truth, God or truth disappears from the mind’s perception. What remains is nothing except for pure knowledge, which is an unchangeable state of equilibrium. Then, whatever needs to be known is immediately accessible to be imparted as self-knowledge. All that I communicate comes from this divine point of inspiration. The purpose of my role as a spiritual teacher is to raise the consciousness of those who can hear me to a greater realisation of truth within themselves.
Hi Lance Kelly
I remember, when I was around twenty years old, staying at a hermitage. Me and brother Noel were installing insulation in one of the rooms when we got into a disagreement. I was on a break, sitting down comfortably, when he asked me to move so he could continue working. I told him if he would just turn his latter sideways, I could continue my break, and he could continue working. He got really upset with me…. He was probably in his late sixties and here’s a young, privileged, kid telling him what to do. He had a hard life. Anyway I remember going down deep in myself and thinking every where I go it’s always the same situation / confrontation.
All of a sudden I was blinded by a light and I was that light. The whole world had disappeared. There was only love and peace. I knew at that moment that death was an illusion. I don’t remember leaving the room after that. I kind of forgot about it, until recently, when I started reading a course in miracles, and listening to Eckhart Tolle. My question to you would be… What exactly was it that I touched and that touched me. I’ve lived my life in a state of in deference to the world. My only prayer was that we be given the strength to get through this life. But now I’m reading about the awakening and how it’s our purpose in life, is to awaken. To realize that the journey, the destination, is within, and that it is who we are. There is no where to go. We are already arrived.
What you touched upon was the Lord – the Lord in matter of all things in existence. I experienced the same thing over twenty five years ago in London. When the self collapses in surrender to life or God, the formless reality within the body is able to shine through. The immediacy of such an experience changes the life irrevocably. However blinding lights only happen in the darkness of ignorance until, eventually, the inner space is restored to its original purity which is nothing. It can take many years for the inner apparatus to adjust in frequency to the spiritual octave of the realisation.
You forgot about the experience because knowledge of the spirit is energetic and cannot be remembered. The spirit never repeats itself, because anything which originates from the timeless realm is a participation with reality. The self and individual consciousness merge with the incoming spirit as a unity of being. Once enlightened it is forever and can never be taken away. It is you and you are that. But the idea of life on earth is not solely about realisation but to bring that extraordinary power of truth into the living world. What has happened recently is a response to the inner calling of the spirit that has been re-awakened in the outer world, as you have described. The idea now is to find a teaching and to live it if it’s the truth for you. Then it is your truth, which will serve to direct your life to bring you closer to your own spiritual uniqueness as a being of the earth.