Meetings & Consultations


In these individual consultations I am able to offer spiritual guidance to people receptive to my teaching. The consultations are relaxed and informal. You can ask your questions and together we can address areas in the life which may be causing some concern. Although my work is widely distributed around the world, there is nothing as spiritually productive as a one-to-one session to elevate the consciousness and contribute something of real value to life on earth.


Sessions on Google Meet or Skype 

Individual Consultations : £50 (1 hour) Consultations for Partners: £65

To book a consultation simply email and state the country you will calling from. Details of time slots and payment details will then be sent.  Payment is by PayPal or bank transfer.



The sessions with you help me gain confidence and trust in myself. And something else that I can’t put in to words. Thank you so much 

After consultations with you I always feel this certain weight that gets lifted off me. My mind seems to clear up and I seem to be freed of some possessive force that was engulfing me.

It is interesting how your presence seems to signal huge moments of shedding/transition in my life. Each time we’ve had a session, I experience a massive emotional process during or shortly thereafter.

I always learn something from Lance; particularly in the one to one consultations because there he can really address what is going on in my personal life.