The world is run on emotional energy. People are encouraged at every level of human experience to be emotional as though it were a virtue; the truth is the exact opposite. To realise the excellence of humanity as a spiritually mature being is to have transformed the emotional element of the human being to the original state of love. Contrary to popular belief, love is not an emotion because it’s a state of consciousness and not affected by the caprice of the person.
Love is the same beautiful experience in every body, but is emotionalised in many different ways. There can indeed be heightened sensations of joy and delight, but there’s no emotional excitation which would degrade the state of love. A state is something impersonal and never changes. Emotion swings from the extremes of unbridled excitement to the depths of despair. The person, while still identified with their emotions, is subject to this pendulum effect throughout the entire life – or until, through grace, they are brought to a source of higher truth.
Emotion is anything that creates a feeling within the body, with the exception of a natural feeling such as the direct transmission of pain when we suffer an injury to the body. It’s only afterwards when the mind interprets the situation that emotional feelings arise, such as anger or worry about possible future consequences. Emotions are not universal. For instance, someone can be jealous of a particular man or woman, whereas another person is not moved. So emotions are subject to the personal interpretations of the life that are totality self-orientated and oblivious to the good of the whole.
People tend to make their choices on the basis of their emotional feelings, including some of the most important decisions in their lives. With the massed population doing the same every moment of every day, it’s clear to see how emotion encompasses and rules the world. Except in rare instances, virtually everyone on earth exists and experiences life as an emotional being. We all know how quickly emotional feelings arise as indignation, or when offence is taken at the assumption we’ve been slighted in some way. Inner stillness and constant vigilance do much to eliminate the reactionary element of the self that arises so quickly when provoked by the emotions, either from within or externally from others.
There is a place for emotion in the body which is located in the pit of the stomach. Here any emotional residue is supposed to be eliminated by the natural function of the body system. However, with virtually everyone now living as an emotional being, more emotion is being produced than can be processed in this way. Consequently, the emotion rises unabated to the surface level of the mind and is projected into existence – and with it, all the troubles in the world. This is why it’s important to frequently drop down any tension or tightness that gathers in the body, particularly in the neck, chest and shoulders.
When a man or woman has become one-pointed in the continual practice of self-observation, the emotional structure supporting the self begins to weaken. The attention now gravitates to areas of the body where the more resistant emotional blockages have gathered, one of the most troublesome being guilt. Most people are familiar with the symptoms of guilt, especially after a loved one dies. Guilt arises when the person judges themselves to have failed or been inadequate in some way – perhaps having transgressed some kind of moral code or religious indoctrination. There are countless other examples where guilt arises. But it’s always in retrospect, never in the moment of doing.
Dissolving guilt is usually a gradual process and is only effective once the falsity of this lingering emotion is seen. Since the truth can only be discerned in the present, guilt relies on the co-operation of the person to keep it alive by thinking and reflecting on the pain of the past. Many people afflicted by guilt believe they have to be remorseful and emotionally penitent in trying to make sense of their inner conflict. This is to make a virtue of guilt, which now thrives as a corrosive poison of the human condition. Guilt is based on the assumption of having caused someone else’s misfortune or suffering; this is delusion and an omission of self-knowledge. It is life as a movement of supernal intelligence that runs the world, and that arranges events and situations for the greater good – and not for the individual alone.
Emotion was essential in the evolutionary ascent of Man in becoming a self-conscious being with the ability to reflect on the past. A space rocket breaks away at a specific velocity from the lower stages of its bulk which, having completed its function, is no longer necessary in the next phase of the journey. In a similar way, emotion should have been discarded to enable life and love to evolve in harmony with nature and the earth. Instead, emotion began to impose itself in time as human nature and the formation of the world, the consequences of which we all now must live.
Extract from e-book: ‘The Call of the Spirit’.