In at the Deep End
To be in at the deep end is to have taken the plunge into the unknown. The unknown is fathomless and the descent is a continuous revelation of the divine mystery behind the formal appearance of the world.
The barrier which stops someone entering the deep end before it’s time is the fear of detaching from the world through the identification with what’s assumed to be the only reality. This is the psychosis which keeps the person bobbing on the surface level of existence. Another common anxiety for people is sinking too deeply too soon. The truth is that the spiritual buoyancy of the body consciousness finds the level of the psyche comparable to the self-knowledge of the individual. However, consciousness is always moving on, making it possible to descend ever more deeply as the life unfolds and the attachment to the world diminishes.
What we’re endeavouring to do is to be conscious of the inner state while simultaneously being present in the senses in the outer world. This is the total immersion in consciousness as an inner and outer state of being. A useful practice whenever reminded is to interrupt the momentum of the day, either at work or around the house. The idea is to pause and drop everything as any emotional tension which tends to gather particularly in the shoulders, throat and head. Then it’s possible to return to the task at hand, revitalised through this action of consciousness.
To descend into the depths of the psyche, it’s necessary to disengage from the identification with the body’s natural functions, which continue autonomously regardless of whatever inner state is realised out of existence. When nothing perceives nothing, the self-conscious element which normally keeps the attention distracted by something in the objective world then disappears. This induces the faster than light speed perception which, when integrated with the frontal intelligence, initiates a time change enabling existence to be perceived before it takes form. And this is the point of my teaching.
The spirit is unknowable to the human mind since its timeless quality is unable to be held as an experience. What may appear to have little significance to begin with bears much spiritual value as the process intensifies in the detachment to being a slave to time and the forces of existence. Pure energy, which is the power of spirit, enters the brain at a velocity beyond the speed of light. But the brain, being a product of time and past, is compelled to approximate the energy of the spirit through the relatively slower time gradient of sensory perception.
Anyone who can receive what’s been written here has already emerged out of the shallow perception of human awareness to make the search for truth the most important focus in the life. The more of us able to maintain this one-pointed endeavour, the more that others will be assisted to descend into the depths of the psyche through the collective pool of self-knowledge.
Thank you all for being willing to join me in this place of immense profundity where wonders never cease.
So wonderfully written in its simplicity, profoundness and humility.
Most of us as humans fear the ‘deep end’, l have for most of my life.
Perhaps now l can take the leap.
This is a very interesting and timely teaching as I have been noticing for some time now something that happens within myself. More recently I have gotten inquisitive as to why and then even what to do about it. What it is is that I’ll be doing a particular sometime, usually something that requires concentration or if I’m in contemplative state for a period of time al of a sudden my body will come into action kind of like you explained. It will start with a little shuddering in my chest and then rise into my shoulders and I give my head a little shake and then I give out a small cry or whoop or some verbal expression. It’s like my whole upper body is having one of those Aha moments that I get in that inner place of all knowing. It seems to sound a lot like what you have talked about in this teaching and I have been doing it unconsciously now I must make the effort to do it more consciencely. But I was wondering what more can I do when overcome with that feeling because it definitely feels as if I need to be creatively expressive at that particular moment but I can’t seem to hold the feeling long enough. It’s gone in a shot. Is that the point, just notice it or can it develop into a creative experience of some sort be it writing or painting etc.? Or are we on two totally separate pages here???
The shuddering is a reaction of the emotional body to the presence of the finer energies of spirit transforming the resistance in matter. When it happens be still and let it pass. These inner movements that shake the body can manifest in many ways and in different parts of the body. The movement is the emotional self that’s looking to escape from the increasing spiritual light of consciousness. But it’s unable to escape, so it’s going to be troublesome until it completely surrenders to the purity of being, which is the God within. It’s a good sign, Erin, of the developing stillness and presence within you.
The creative element you speak of is a reciprocal of the purity of space, which is often more acute after a period of shuddering. Don’t try to express it. Just let everything unfold in its right sequence. It’s all working for good.
I remember many years ago kayaking and swimming in a lake in New Hampshire. The water was so deep it was almost black, but I was totally comfortable in that watery void because of the mental image that told me my body was strong and capable. Not so with my 10 year-old son, safely wrapped in a life vest (and my arms). His swimming skills had been delayed and his uncertainty was still palpable – though greatly diminished in the presence of my confidence. Descending into these depths is a lot easier with an experienced guide showing the way – thank you for being that light, Lance.
Yes, we’re all guides, sometimes for others and sometimes looking for guidance from someone else to show the way. Nearly thirty years ago when the spirit began to enter me, I would return home from work, draw the curtains, sit on the chair, close my eyes and be still. Not being spiritually orientated or interested in meditation, the compulsion to do this was mystifying to say the least.
After about a year on one hot summer evening, whatever was inside me externalised as a vision of incandescent light and radiance. I was astonished and riveted to the immediacy of the moment. The vision spoke to me, but in a rather offhand way as though I shouldn’t have been surprised by what was happening! ‘You are here to help show the way’ was what I recall most vividly. What happened that evening changed everything and I was never the same again.
So I was being guided from within, as are we all. But it’s by the way of things that people come into the life at certain times to assist the journey in existence back to that original place of wonder whence we came not so long ago.
Thank you Richard.
Thanks lance i have got most of that..i do remember years back when i was going through a tough situation having to make my excuses at work and sit in a toilet cubicle and just close my eyes and breathe..then id reset and be able to go back out into my job. At that time id just discovered krishnamurti and was naive..i went into work and stood upto the msnagement thinking truth and honesty would win…i was to have a rude awakening and eventually got the sack. Speaking of the deep one weeks time ill be swimming the length of lake windermere. 10.5 miles and im sure ill have to keep dropping all my useless thoughts and just stay in the moment. Thank you for this reminder
The beautiful spirit in each of us just waiting for that opportune moment to manifest! I’m am so grateful for the chance/fate that has allowed me to witness yours, Lance. it was only because I took a leap – getting involved in a music festival that was way off my normal track – which then transformed into the conscious choice to meet your teachings. I am driven by dharma and duty, inspired by my guru, to share and teach the mysticism of sound, but I often feel completely over my head with the depth of it all. Still, I am at least aware of my competencies, and the affirmations and insistence from others that I must do and provide that service in honor of the gifts I’ve been blessed with. But when it comes to spiritual awareness – real heart-and-mind-piercing knowledge – I know I’m still a novice. How curious to still be a mere aspirant when one’s life is almost done. Then again, as you just described, it can all change in a flash! Thank you, Lance, for a glimpse of that possibility.
You ‘re Gnosis itself , timeless perception