Never Die, Never Born

November 17, 2024 0 By Lance Kelly

The perception of space when made conscious is what is termed enlightenment or the holy state; and is why spiritual masters are sometimes moved to declare that they never die or are ever born. This is the natural or original state of being inherent in each body.

What has happened over past evolutionary time is that this subtlety of perception has been degraded in the human consciousness due to the increasing classification of the sensory material world. The overall effect has been the gradual separation from love – the unifying principle in existence.

Today, the inner perception of space before it takes form has little reality for the majority of people beyond the fluctuating feelings generated by an emotional way of life. And yet, through the miracle of consciousness it’s now possible for a small segment of humanity to realise the purity of space as a liberated way of being on earth.

One way to accelerate the process is to be inducted into the deeper levels of higher mind by absorbing the words and presence of a genuine teacher of truth. When the breakthrough happens, the perception of existence and one’s place within the grand scheme of life is astonishing. No words or description can adequately do justice to the impact since there is no precedent in the living experience for such a climacteric realisation.

When this state of pure perception without a centre can be held, I, the individual, realise as life everlasting that I am always here, and always will be, as the essence of life on earth in all its myriad forms. This is because of the implicit reality of the one ever-recurring point of eternity that is forever being recreated anew every moment.