One Step Forward – Two Steps Back
As more ground is reclaimed from the emotional grip of the self, the perception of the invisible realm is magnified. However, what is then set in motion temporarily are often even greater challenges in the external life. But it’s not to be discouraged. The way of the spirit during the epic undertaking of self-transformation is to take one step forward and two steps back to allow the unresolved aspects of the past to be unearthed and purified in the light of a deepening knowledge of reality.
We see how this process of intelligence operates in our everyday lives. For example, someone secures a promotion at work. This is a step forward in worldly terms towards achievement of goals, financial security and ambition. But what usually follows is an increased workload and a demand on time and energy which impacts on the personal life and overall wellbeing. These are the two steps back as the consequence of the change in the life. When lovers unite for the first time and bathe in the radiance of the pure attraction of love, it’s a step forward in the great romance of life. But it’s not long before both are taking two steps back as the emotional pain of past relationships rises up to conscious awareness to challenge the partnership.
When someone is at a point of profound spiritual realisation, the intelligence is preparing to enter a different time gradient within the psyche. What had previously obscured the perception of reality is partially obliterated and intelligence speeds up. This alters the way that the transmission of reality manifests in the external circumstances and events of the life. Whereas before it was a case of one step forward and two steps back, now the process is reversed. In taking two steps back towards the inner being, the step forward into existence no longer accumulates the same degree of past as before. This makes it more possible to rest easy in stillness and equanimity as the intensity of challenges in the outer world is reduced.
Everyone is involved in living the spiritual life, whether or not it’s through their own volition. This is a pre-requisite of being embodied in the flesh. What appears to be a personal life is of no consequence to the greater purpose of life on earth. It matters not if anyone conforms to the laws of society or is immoral in the eyes of the world. The drama of living merely provides a backdrop for the truth to operate behind the visible appearance of the sensory realm. So from that perspective, how someone realises the truth is irrelevant. But there is a fundamental integrity that supports every action for which the individual is ultimately held to account.
The factor that determines anyone’s depth of knowledge of reality is, in the first instance, the responsibility taken for their person. Responsibility at the octave of the spirit is synonymous with being conscious of one’s actions. Life or God in its wisdom allows people to figure out in their own way that living in revolt to the harmony of creation inevitably causes suffering in the world.
Extract from e-book: Living the Truth:
Yes, Lance this is understandable, I’m finally walking myself back home.
Thank you,
Yes, Lance this is understandable.
I’m finally walking myself back home.
Thank you,