The Teaching


What is it that makes the search for truth so compelling for someone inspired to discover a deeper meaning to life on earth? It is the overwhelming impulse to unite with the original state of being. The most profound knowledge of reality is already retained within the depths of the being, so to have to be taught the truth is fundamentally unnatural. But at a certain phase of the evolutionary journey a teacher of truth is provided. Why this is necessary is revealed as the process unfolds.

We human beings are only as real as what we communicate as our knowledge of life, truth and love. The difficulty that has arisen over the vast tract of evolutionary time since man and woman became self-conscious beings, has been the accumulation of past that has choked the flow of the psyche. In these times the overall effect of this inner congestion is reflected in the spasmodic release of force expressed through people’s opinions, prejudices, hatred, cruelty and greed. The more altruistic qualities are soon overwhelmed by these more intense energies, which are the backlog of unresolved human experience. As a consequence, a fundamental of this teaching focuses on transforming the personal past of the person’s emotional self to the conscious octave of the present.

Every spiritual teaching is an aspect of the one teaching. The teaching I present is deeply influenced by the source of my inspiration: Barry Long, the Australian spiritual master who taught me and my partner during ten years of extensive travel to be in the master’s presence. After Barry died in 2003, the next decade was spent living what had been absorbed and consolidating the power of the spirit in the body. The following ten years were primarily a distillation of the spiritual process through which the gnosis of the times could be brought into existence as this teaching.

The times of any epoch in history have a specific frequency consonant with the transmission from reality. This is the age of super-technology, A.I., cultural diversity, societal upheavals, global pandemics and radical changes to the earth’s eco-system. And yet as a result of this collision of outer forces, the way back for someone inspired to contribute to the betterment of humanity is now a greater possibility – and in a shorter time span than ever before.

Any spiritual practitioner connected to the divine wave of consciousness is a traveller in time. The thrust of this teaching is to exceed the time gradient of sensory perception. This does not mean leaving the senses behind, but simply being able to withdraw at will into the abstract realm of the psyche before life takes form. When someone is fully present in the senses and conscious of the subtle presence of space within the body, the transformative process of restoring the past to the present is initiated. To focus the attention both within and without simultaneously is a highly effective practice and puts a necessary pause between everyday activities in the world. This is the introductory step of this spiritual teaching.

The way of the spirit is that one step naturally follows another. As we proceed, many of the most treasured and revered notions of what had previously been held as truth and validations of love will be voluntarily discarded. In this teaching there is no adherence to ritual or ceremonies and the belief in any external agency of truth. Unless the truth can be demonstrated at any moment in the living life it will lack the power to penetrate the resistance of self. Belief and hope will then be substituted for the direct knowledge of reality.

My teaching is supported by a comprehensive body of work, including eight e-books covering different phases of the spiritual process in addition to many articles, essays and responses to people’s questions concerning their spiritual lives. My YouTube channel contains videos on the spiritual process as well as commentaries on the events and happenings in the world today.

One last thing: To know my self is awful. It’s awful since self is all there is as any psychological or emotional recognition of the familiar world around us. Self is ignorance at varying levels of identification with that which has yet to be made conscious. The self does not die but willingly surrenders its position as the usurper of life and love on earth. But this conglomeration of wilful and intense forces of energy will resist the call of the spirit to the bitter end and fight to preserve its survival. It’s impossible for any mind to know just what this mighty battle entails and just how far the tentacles of self seep into the depths of the psyche – until it’s time.

Eventually the self surrenders and just why it was so hard and desperate at times is then seen in a new perspective. The spiritual teacher that came to love and serve that being is also perceived in a different light than before. The love of that source of truth then merges with the new state of consciousness to bring more love and rightness into the world.