The Divinity of Man and Woman
Despite the global movement to eliminate the distinction between the male and female genders, the indisputable fact is that man and woman are different species, characterised by the sexual organs. But the significance of the physical appearance goes way beyond the sensory perception to the divinity of character behind each of us on earth.
The nature of woman is love, whereas her character is responsibility. When a woman is immersed in her nature as the pure female presence, she is living love. But without the conscious alignment with this divine inner state, she will not be responsible as the custodian of love on earth. As a consequence, she will be out of character when exposed to the forces of the world. At these times, she will often defend or justify her emotional position of unresolved pain of the past that divides her from her true nature of love. The world exists to undermine the female principle since it was created on the sexual drive of man. The beauty and mystery of woman is continually sullied by the casual use of language and unconscious behaviour, particularly in mixed company. Men are skilled in introducing suggestive innuendos as a way to generate psychic sex – the chief source of entertainment at most social events.
Man’s nature is nobility and his character is authority – pure authority as the personification of truth in existence. It’s the nobility of man that woman adores, but has little opportunity to be demonstrated in these times. The action, for example, of holding a door for a lady or offering a seat to her in the bus is likely to seem archaic or be frowned upon by some. And so it is said that the age of chivalry is dead. But this makes no difference to the nature of the male principle, which retains the original knowledge that characterises man’s noble purpose in existence. This is to restore woman, his love, to her original nature; and is the means in which he realises his true authority as a man of character in the world.
The spiritual ideas of the male and female principles are aspects of the hierarchal structure of the divine mind. At the summit of the pyramid of existence is the supreme idea of Mankind: a shimmering sun of blue-white intensity from which all things in creation take their inspiration as a movement in time towards the ideal. Regardless of what happens in the outer world, the timeless reality that is the domain of Mankind remains pristine and unaffected within the stationary matrix of the inner realm.
The female principle of love is concealed behind the appearance of every physical woman’s body on earth. ‘She’, the impersonal Goddess all men in existence desire more than anything (unconscious though this may be), can only enter existence through his nobility of action – to love selflessly in the physical act of lovemaking through taking nothing for himself. It’s this alone which gives him the authority to bring woman closer to God and to raise her consciousness in truth. The word ‘authority’ derives from ‘author’, which means to originate or give existence to something. Further back in time, the Greek word for authority was ‘authentikos’, meaning a principle of incontrovertible properties. When a man is in harmony with his noble nature, he ‘authorises’ love to enter existence in sheer devotion to ‘She’ the beloved through his union with the Divine Will. This gives man his authority as the active principle in the world. The passive nature of the female principle is the stillness and grace of impersonal love.
The merging of the active and passive poles of existence is the tantric dimension of life. This has a reciprocal exchange in divesting both man and woman of the emotional element that attaches lovers to sentiment and the considerations of personal feelings – which are the death of love. As the de-personalising process to the form intensifies, the reflection of each other’s divine character is gradually realised within the flesh. Through grace the light of the Lord, the character of the most high in existence, radiates through the psyche of the opposite principle in the realisation of God as love in existence. This rarest of all spiritual realisations is then lived in the individual’s life, and brought into the world as pure living love.
The e-book ‘Making Love Real’ examines the root cause of the difficulties encountered in relationships and guidance for those looking to raise their consciousness in love.
Many thanks Lance
Hi Lance,
Each one of us has masculine and feminine aspects of our psyche. Although one’s gender may mean that we are naturally tuned into one of these more than the other, both are within us. Therefore, women can exercise divine authority and truth, just as men can be channels of pure love and gentleness. I think we need to find the balance of these aspects WITHIN OURSELVES not by seeking to unite with another human of the opposite sex. Surely, complete wholeness and balance can be achieved independently of others, simply by allowing our divine essence to flourish and transform us?
One’s gender is more than something naturally tuned into, but a demonstrable fact that determines the living experience of an individual. Each one of us may have a masculine and feminine aspect. But that’s pretty meaningless unless it can be demonstrated at any moment – and will be of little comfort to someone who’s an emotional wreck after a lover leaves them. A woman who has realised the truth of her own nature as love is as mighty in consciousness as any man. Although a man can demonstrate pure love and gentleness as a facet of his divine masculine character, she personifies the principle of love in existence.
It’s possible to realise God out of existence, independently of another, without the necessity of physical love, as is the case of many celibate teachers. The intelligence unites with consciousness, which informs the brain of an aspect of reality as transcendental truth. The love that the individual registers is the union of what Jung referred to as the ‘anima’ and ‘animus’, which is the devotion of the self now aligned in rapture to the source of the light of the Divine within the being. But that’s not a completion is it? All that’s happened, despite the rarity of this, is the realisation of what I am and have always been.
But life lived on the earth consists of both an inner and outer reality. God in existence is realised through the love and devotion of man and woman in the flesh. This is the rarest realisation of all. A celibate teacher is unable to address with any wisdom or practical guidance the plight of their fellow men and women, whose chief occupation in the world centres on the love life and the perennial search for union with the beloved in the reflection in the body of the opposite genders. This is because the closest thing to God in existence is man and woman. I didn’t make the rules. It’s the way things are.
For a man this is his formless love each woman on earth personifies as She, the goddess of love. And in a woman it is her love of the noble man she has always known within and whose life on earth she seeks in form to complete her, as she will complete him. Then the ‘balance’ takes care of itself in the exchange of the divine energies in lovemaking between the male and female genders.
Thank you Hannah for your comments.