The Gift of Love

June 30, 2023 2 By Lance Kelly


Love is the emanation of the earth’s spiritual being, the unifying principle within matter. The power of love is renewed each creative moment as the pastless quality of pure sensual life. Beauty arises on this wave of reality and harmonises with the full spectrum of sensory existence to create nature and the magnificence of the earth. Where love is present, there is peace on earth. Love offers no resistance to the conflictual forces of existence, which manifest through human nature as an emotional way of life.

Love is being conscious in the present; emotion is an energy of contraction attached to the pain of past experience. Whereas love is still and undemanding, emotion exists in movement dependent on the co-operation of the person for its self-preservation and possession of the mind. When emotionally excited or depressed, the gift of love cannot be received and separates from original unity. In the absence of love, conflict arises either within or between opposing factions in the world.

The price which ensures that the integrity of love’s purpose is served is responsibility. This is responsibility to the principle of love which in the first instance is being able to contain any emotional virulence within or in the demands and expectations from others. The purity and innocence inherent within all the species is impersonal love, free and wild in its spontaneous expression of instinctual life. Human beings are not exempt from this wave of pure love; it’s just that, over time, the gift of love has become profaned by the abdication of responsibility for this most precious connection with our eternal origins.

Can someone really transform their emotional self to love in existence? The answer is that love is limitless in both its wonder and power to transform the corruption of matter back to its original purity. Our stock as beings of the earth is love. Regardless of the burden of past that each is apportioned at birth in varying degrees, love is not beyond bringing the most turgid cells of past human ignorance to full fruition of spiritual enlightenment. Each of us is born as a bundle of innocence, but then soon compelled to gather experience of the pleasure and pain of being in existence. It’s through having suffered enough while still holding to the essential quality of being a unique spiritual light that through grace someone emerges from the quagmire of the human condition of unhappiness. 

Today love struggles to retain its presence in a way that sustains the majority of the earth’s population. And yet love continues to give and serve its divine purpose. Consequently it falls upon the individual alone to make a stand for love, should they be inspired to invoke the divine principle of their own inner being and raise it to a conscious level of mind. A man or woman becomes the embodiment of love when they are no longer prepared to justify and defend their emotional pain. At their own request, the individual exercises their sacred right to willingly surrender their self to serve love in existence, come as it may. At times, events and circumstances may appear to sabotage the harmony of life and actually make things harder to just get by. But such periods of uncertainty disguise life’s master plan for he or she who is the gift of love in the making.