The Karmic Bond in Lovemaking

August 24, 2023 0 By Lance Kelly

When two bodies make love in the flesh for the first time, a karmic bond is sealed which, in accordance with the reality of the exchange, endures as an energetic presence. In a casual affair where sex is the predominant force, an emotional residue is retained which knits up with other unresolved fragments of the life. When love is made while being present in the senses (without succumbing to fantasying or leaving the immediacy of the moment), the pure love energy unites with the accumulative value of the most evolved point within the body consciousness. In most cases, it’s an admixture of both the pure love and emotion which is made in physical lovemaking.  

The karmic bond generated in the procreation of the species is a universal movement of the unification of life operating as a multiplicity of being throughout the reality system. This serves as a way for the vast intelligence behind the form to, amongst other things, adapt to hybrid changes within a particular species. For human beings however, our unique self-conscious faculty elevates the significance when two bodies enter each other’s inner space. The male penis is more than just an appendage of convenience for man to enjoy his sexual self. Each penis is imbued with a resonance of light that originates from deep within the unconscious. It’s this beam of intense magnification that enables the male principle to externalise in matter. Inherent in this active male principle is the impersonal life force which arises within the earth’s spiritual being. The woman’s vagina resonates to the unconscious stream of life operating within the principle of love. The passive emanation of the female principle is activated through the penetration of the penis into her sacred inner space. All the love that has ever been made in existence is present potentially in this sacred exchange between partners.

What inhibits the realisation of love at its most exalted state of divinity is the karma of humanity, which is energetically present in different degrees of attachment within every man and woman. Karma is the past that lives on as the pain and suffering of everyone who has ever dared to love. (I go into the nature and workings of karma and the psyche in other articles and e-books.) What happens when two bodies make love is that the beauty and pleasure of the union is vicariously shared by discrete psychic entities of past human experience. These psychic energies enter the personal space of the lovers with consummate stealth whenever there is excitement, arousal and any reflection from the mind as thoughts or erotic imagination. The only protection and safeguard against attracting the negative karma of despair and self-doubt (that commonly follows sexual union) is for lovers to be conscious and fully present while love is being made. The more conscious the man or woman, the deeper he or she will permeate the resistance to love in the flesh of the other.

The idea at the spiritual octave of making love is to eliminate, in the first instance, the time as karma from within the psychic body of self. A spiritual loving man who is aware of his function in lovemaking enters the vagina with great respect and stillness of being. The consciousness of the penis firstly becomes attuned to the inner chamber by absorbing the surface tensions from the walls of the entrance to the vagina. A woman gathers these tensions and anxieties which gravitate to this part of her anatomy through just being in the world. Next, the man absorbs through his organ of love the residual past of what may be causing any emotional negativity in her immediate circumstances. He pauses frequently to communicate the privilege and joy of being with the woman with whom he is making love.

A woman connected to her spiritual fragrance of love receives the active polarity of love from man, just as the earth receives the life affirming rays of light from the sun. The female principle resides in the knowledge that by being true to love, her nature, she is informed every moment as to whether her man is  being present and authentic in his role as the divine lover of ‘She’ in existence. Woman assists a man endeavouring to purify his sexual self through not slipping into the subconscious grooves of her historical past where personal love was predominant. She does this by not considering the man’s feelings. For example, she may pause during the making of love to ask if he is present and truly with her in the moment, should she sense that the man is drifting off into a trance. A man endeavouring to purify his sexual self will be grateful to be with such a spiritual woman. In divine lovemaking there are no conclusions, accusations or expectations. The quality of timeless profundity and virtue endures as a resonance forever within the being of the one who is touched by the love of the divine.