The New Revolution
In all recorded history has any lasting good come from a change of political regime or cultural movement? No matter how noble the cause, revolution is only a synthesis of humanity’s past struggle to eliminate the distance from an idealised version of civilisation. Whenever pressure reaches a critical level there’s a release of the force, whether in nature or in the realm of human affairs. However, all revolutions ultimately fail because any ideology is unable to be assimilated as a way of life by the majority of the world’s population. ‘You say you want a revolution … We all want to change the world’, sang John Lennon. But I wonder if many people really got the message – and, more to the point, able to put the idea of peace into practice in their own lives.
The word ‘revolution’ has its origin in the movement of celestial bodies, which follow a prescribed orbit around their closest star. Astrologers of old, under the patronage of royalty, would offer guidance when they saw that ‘revolutions’ between certain planets threatened to destabilise the rule of state. In those more intuitive times of courtly life, the division between inner and outer hemispheres of existence were less defined, since people were more attuned to the cyclic revolutions of the earth. Although revolt by races of people against oppression has been historically recorded through the millennia, it was the French Revolution that had the greatest impact on the progressive wave of western civilisation. This was not due to Napoleon and his allies but a cosmic initiative to dismantle the old guard, which was stifling progress towards the expansion of space and the release of creative ideas from the realm of higher mind. At this point in evolutionary time Uranus, the planet associated with revolution and intellectual brilliance, was discovered.
Everything in existence has a built-in obsolescence that yields to the pressure of time and progress. Each living life is a revolution in time, culminating in the death of the physical form. Remarkably, as a race we have become dismissive of our mortality in the futile attempt to make sense of the world. The creation that appears as the sensory world is really an alien territory, which can be demonstrated when the body is physically injured. In a similar way that a gash in an astronaut’s suit could severely jeopardise the life, when the insulation of our skin is cut there is pain due to exposure to the outer forces of creation. In fact, were it not for the gravitational pull of the earth, the life force would be sucked out into infinity! This strange feeling is sometimes experienced by people in dreams or in delirium.
On the global stage, the new revolution will not be in the streets or in the political arena of the world. It will be a revolution in science, coinciding with an incredible discovery of a new planet within the solar system. This will herald a new evolutionary phase of humanity and introduce what was assumed to be impossible: the exceeding of the speed of light. The new planet has always been in existence; but in the modern era it has remained invisible, with its effects registered although unable to be quantified. What will astound science will be the introduction of a new way of perceiving the abstract nature of space which, amongst other things, will shed light on the theory of black holes, the conundrum of light travelling on waves or particles and, most significantly, release the ideas for a new energy source that will enable man to travel to other galaxies.
The discovery of the new planet will greatly enhance the understanding of photons and will probably be recognised as Phaeton, the planet which supposedly perished in a flash according to the ancient Greeks. It didn’t explode; it merely withdrew behind the sensory space of existence. The planet will remain undetected until the built-in obsolescence of Einstein’s relativity theory can be transcended. When this happens, the new technology will enable scientists to see through the materiality of space into the unconscious realm beyond sensory perception.
The world exists to perpetuate the progressive drive of humanity and to keep the charade of living and dying a going concern. World revolutions happen in time against the backdrop of a dying regime that prosper only for as long as the forces of the world permit. Revolutionaries such as Fidel Castro, Gandhi and Martin Luther King were conduits of an idea that radically changed the cultural landscape. In recent times, with the emphasis on the fame and celebrity culture, artists and performers are sometimes in a position to lend weight to a political angle or perhaps to introduce a fresh perspective that opens the eyes of the world to something new. However, there is a major flaw. Unless a revolutionary has begun to address the fundamental conflict and injustice within their own inner kingdom, the revolution is doomed to fail.
There’s a new revolution here now on planet Earth. The power of this is available to all; but to contribute something of value the new revolutionary must be willing to stand alone. It’s no use taking a position on what should be changed in the world, no matter how strong the inner convictions, until the ground of the body has been transformed by the love of something greater than the personal self. This is the meaning of the old saying that ‘whoever builds a house without the foundations of the Lord labours in vain’.
Revolutions come and go, just as any new year’s resolution fades in time to become a continuity of the same old troublesome way of life. Unless the new revolutionary is willing to be cosmically inspired, nothing of real worth will be accomplished. The cosmos is the timeless state of being behind the body, but encased by the build-up of all the resistance and fears of humanity’s past. The only revolution is to shatter the cocoon which attaches the person to the continuity of time – and prevents the idea of peace and harmony on earth from becoming a living reality.