The Purpose of Love
The impulse behind every action is the unifying principle of love. Love governs life on earth as the harmony in nature, but only in the relationships of man and woman has something gone appallingly awry. The problem has now escalated to such an extent that sexual deviation away from the simplicity of love is now the norm, with the awful consequences represented by the human condition of poverty, exploitation and fear. How as a race did we become so distanced from the pristine state of original love which everyone experiences at some time in their life? The answer is that we’ve forgotten that love has a purpose.
The purpose of love is to serve something greater than the selfish pleasure of taking without giving all in the exchange. Sexual greed and expectation short-circuits the psychic field between partners and degrades the purity of love. Love never enters the physical world except as an effect. This is because love’s divine essence cannot be supported in such a loveless existence without the presence of virtue. Virtue is the finest energy within the human body. In the absence of virtue, love is personalised and degenerates into emotional force as attachment to an object or form. There’s nothing more fulfilling than being in love, yet the world suggests that this original state of being is dependent upon something external, such as a lover or success in a personal venture. Certainly the objects and people dear to us can mirror such love, but when threatened or taken away the overriding feeling is of despondency and despair.
Love is the impersonal dimension of being which often directs the life into situations of deep emotional trauma and hardships so that its purpose may be realised. The purpose of the pain of a broken heart is to be disabused of the acquired notions of what love is and, just as important, what it isn’t. How then do we counter the disenchantment and inner conflict that often drives people to cut off from love altogether? The error is in identifying with the object of love, the man or woman, instead of being conscious of the inexhaustible fountain of divine joy and inspiration within the body. Purpose is invoked as power or presence with the conscious recognition of the privilege of being embraced by another or, indeed, any time that someone shows kindness and affection. It’s all a matter of acknowledgment to that which can never be known, but can be realised within as the timeless essence of reality.
Purpose, unlike goals and ambitions, has no beginning or end. To appreciate such a proposition necessitates a departure from the known. Existence has always been here; it’s only the evolving intelligence that is gradually adding pieces to the ever-unfolding picture of life. This is demonstrated by science’s Big Bang theory in the futile attempt to negate the minute interval to get back to original time. There is no centre out of which the universe was created; everything that could ever be is now. Similarly love is liberation, forever present without position or past to sully its beauty.
The purpose of love becomes distorted when the mind imposes the same reasoning it uses to understand the workings of the world. The global scramble for acquisition at any price is an extension away from love into artificial intelligence, hardened and cold in its sterile domain. Only when hope and dependence on the progressive drive of humanity has been sufficiently obliterated in an individual is love able to penetrate the structure of the mind and its pathological resistance to divine harmony. Then, purpose can be realised for love to enter existence and serve where it may.