A selection of videos: Subscribe to the YouTube channel to be informed of new releases.
The Snake of the World
The snake in its natural habitat is as beautiful as any other creature. The snake of the world, however, is a sly and cunning entity, vitally attached to sensual experience in the flesh.
Self-observation is the fundamental practice of the spiritual life. But before this becomes an effective way of gaining a deeper knowledge of the workings of the self, the ground of the subconscious must be prepared. This video shows the way.
Towards the Divine
In this video we hear how through being open to the spiritual inspiration within, a man or woman is able to go more profoundly towards the divine.
Reality Check
How real are you being in your life? It’s possible to have an immediate reckoning by checking where the perception is at any moment. In this video Lance Kelly explains the process and how unresolved aspects of self are transformed of their emotional negativity.
Getting through Hard Times
There are periods living the spiritual life when getting through the hard times seems almost impossible. In this video we hear how, despite intermittent waves of despondency and despair, the individual is able to retain their spiritual equilibrium.
Pure Creativity
The highpoint of creativity is to exist as a body and mind, receptive to the situation of life at any moment. To realise this as an uninterrupted state of being is the spiritual task.
Sex and the Spiritual Life
The sexual imperative ensures the procreation of the species. But human beings are unique in having the opportunity to make real what the other animals are not called on to do. This is to realise love in existence at the conscious level of mind.
How to Discover Real Love
Real love is discovered through the living life with all of its pleasure and pain. But what distinguishes a spiritual individual is when the pleasure and pain is no longer tolerable, which then brings about the possibility for a deeper realisation of love.
The Spiritual Fire
The spiritual fire is ignited as a response to an individual’s willingness to be purified of the negative aspects of self.
The Matrix
The Matrix permeates everything in existence. But it’s something else as well which is extra-cosmic in origin. In this introduction into the Matrix, we are taken into the depths of the psyche and beyond the structure of reality into the infinitude of mind through which the idea of existence came into being.
The 3 Stages of Spiritual Madness
In this video the three stages of spiritual madness are described to reveal the truth behind the formality of the world. Through perceiving the madness within through self-observation, the chaos without diminishes and harmony is restored to the earth.
The Inner State
The inner state is our immediate field of reality. When someone becomes accustomed to the inner state by entering the body with their conscious focus of attention, the reality behind the form is recognised through the direct experience of life.
Moving on from Family and Friends
There comes a time in the spiritual process when it’s not possible to stay in the family orbit or in the company of friends as before. In this video we hear why this happens and how the truth of life works to serve the good of the whole